All About Hiring Employees in the Netherlands

Get the information you need to hire in the Netherlands and learn how Justworks EOR can help you streamline international hiring and manage employees abroad.

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The Benefits of an EOR for Hiring in the Netherlands

Hiring in the Netherlands gives you access to a more diverse talent pool, but navigating the complex web of Dutch employment law takes a lot of time. As a global EOR provider, Justworks makes hiring Dutch talent and building your global team seamless and fast. 

Justworks EOR offers localized support that makes managing work visas and permits, benefits, payroll, background checks, and more easier. With our transparent pricing, start with one employee and scale up at your own pace.

Options for Hiring in the Netherlands


Setting up a subsidiary in the Netherlands requires significant time, resources, and even personnel. The whole presence can be lengthy and requires intimate knowledge of Dutch labor laws and regulations. Many companies work with a global EOR provider like Justworks to skip all the legwork of setting up a local subsidiary and save time, money, and hassle.

Hiring Practices

Dutch hiring and recruiting laws against direct and indirect discrimination are extremely strict.

Background Checks

Background checks can help you verify the credentials of potential employees. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean digging too deep. Background checks are permitted in the Netherlands but are regulated by the General Data and Protection Regulation (GDPR). Per the GDPR employers must have a justified and necessary reason for conducting the background check and it must be necessary. Additionally, the employer must state exactly what will be examined and why. Be careful when accessing sensitive employee data. 

Drafting Hiring Contracts

Written contracts are the best way to protect your business from the start. Once you hire an employee, you must provide them with an employment statement that outlines the employment relationship. Employment contracts should include job description and duties, place of work, salary and pay frequency, start date, duration of employment, terms of probationary period (if applicable), notice periods for termination, working hours, and union membership (if applicable).

Trial Period 

Many employers have employees begin employment on a probationary or trial period. These usually last up to two months, but the length of time can vary. After the trial period ends, an employer can dismiss an employee with two weeks’ notice if the job isn’t a good fit. Probationary periods are not required by law, so it’s up to the employer to decide if it makes sense for them.

Ready to Hire Confidently in the Netherlands?

Justworks EOR makes building your global team seamless by helping you hire and onboard talent in the Netherlands and beyond more quickly. Save yourself the time and hassle of international hiring today.