All About Offering Employee Benefits in Chile

Hire the best talent in Chile with the information you need to offer a competitive benefits package and stay compliant.

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Required Benefits in Chile

In Chile, employees can access various social benefits, which employers pay into. Justworks EOR offers guidance so you can access excellent localized benefits and offer attractive perks. Let's explore which benefits employers are required.

Social Security 

The social security system in Chile is comprehensive, so understanding which contributions are mandatory can save employers from compliance problems. Employees pay more into social security, but employers are responsible for understanding how much to deduct from each paycheck and disbursing deductions accordingly. 

Bonus Pay

Employees in Chile are entitled to Guaranteed Legal Profit Sharing. Employers must pay employees a monthly profit-sharing equivalent of 25% of the employee’s base salary capped at no more than 4.75 times the monthly minimum wage.

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Time Off

Employees in Chile are entitled to 15 paid days off per year. Employees can carry over unused leave for up to two years or cash out unused leave if they’re fired or at the end of their contract.

Offer Competitive Benefits

A great employee benefits package can help employers attract the best Chilean talent. Here are additional benefits to consider offering to retain employees.

Meal and Mobilization Reimbursements

Chilean employers typically offer meal and mobilization reimbursements for travel and working meals. This added perk helps employees save.

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Flexible Work Schedules

Employers may offer remote work or flexible schedules as an added perk. Allowing employees more control over their work hours helps them maintain a healthy work-life balance.

13th-month Salary

Many employers in Chile offer a 13th-month salary or Christmas bonus in Chile as an added benefit. 13th-month bonuses are an additional month's salary given towards the end of the year.

Ready to Offer Benefits in Chile?

Justworks EOR makes building your global team seamless by helping you access localized benefits to attract top talent in Chile. Simplify international hiring today.

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