All About Employee Leave & PTO in Brazil

Learn about leave requirements in Brazil and how Justworks EOR can help you streamline hiring in Brazil.

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How an EOR Can Help with Employee Leave & PTO in Brazil

In Brazil, employee leave policies are a crucial aspect of labor regulations. Justworks EOR can help you understand how to offer an ideal leave policy with localized guidance that aligns with federal requirements and prospective employees’ expectations. Save time, money, and effort by minimizing the risks of hiring in an unfamiliar talent market like Brazil. We’ll help you hire quickly and manage HR tasks like running payroll, filing taxes, accessing benefits, staying on top of compliance, and more.

Employee Leave & PTO Expectations in Brazil

Brazilian labor laws aim to balance work and personal time to create a healthy work-life balance for employees.

Vacation Leave 

Employees in Brazil are entitled to 30 days of paid vacation per year. Vacation time can be split into three segments, as long as one is at least 14 days long and the other two are at least five days. In addition to their regular pay, employees get one-third of their salary as a vacation bonus. 

Sick Leave  

In Brazil, sick leave is a vital aspect of labor regulations designed to protect the well-being of employees. The amount of sick leave is determined by what the doctor prescribes. 

Maternity & Paternity Leave 

New mothers in Brazil get 120 days (about four months) of maternity leave, with an extra 60 days for premature births or health complications. The National Social Security Institute pays new mothers their regular salary for maternity benefits. Fathers are entitled to five days of paid paternity leave, paid for by the employer at the employee’s full salary. The Brazilian government recently created an optional program that allows companies to give an additional 60 days of maternity leave or 15 days of paternity leave, paid out through corporate taxes.

Employee Leave & PTO Expectations in Brazil Two Column Image

Bereavement Leave

New employees are entitled to two paid days off to mourn the death of an immediate family member. 

Miscellaneous Leave

Under the following circumstances, employees are entitled to leave, all paid by the employer: 

  • Three days for marriage 

  • Up to three days per year to attend children’s doctor’s appointments

  • Two days off to accompany wives to medical appointments during pregnancy 

  • One day off per 12-month period for blood donation

Public Holidays in Brazil

There are 13 national holidays in which Brazilian employees receive paid time off regardless of how long they’ve worked at the company. Many companies in Brazil close early for Christmas on December 24 at 2 pm and New Year’s Eve at 2 pm on December 31st. 

Public holidays in Brazil : 

  • New Year’s Day - January 1

  • Carnival - Day before Ash Wednesday 

  • Good Friday - Friday before Easter

  • Easter Sunday - 1st Sunday after the full moon

  • Tiradentes’ Day - April 21

  • Labor Day - May 1

  • Corpus Christi - 2nd Thursday after Whitsun

  • Constitutional Revolution of 1932  - July 9

  • Independence Day - September 7

  • Our Lady Aparecida Day - October 12

  • All Souls Day - November 2

  • Republic Proclamation Day - November 15

  • Christmas Day - December 25

Ready to Hire Confidently in Brazil?

Justworks EOR makes building your global team seamless by offering local expertise to help you understand the nuances of the talent market in Brazil. Save yourself the time and hassle of international hiring today.

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