
Isaac Oates: Why I Built Justworks

Isaac Oates shares why he built Justworks from the ground up.

Blog Author - Isaac Oates
Isaac Oates
Jun 11, 20151 minute
Blog Author - Isaac Oates
Isaac Oates

In addition to leading our Board, as Executive Chair, Isaac focuses on innovation at Justworks Labs, social impact initiatives via, and developing Justworks’ next generation of leaders through its Leaders’ Fellowship program.

17 postsAuthor's posts
Justworks: Payroll, Benefits & Compliance

When ADP shut off Zenefits’ access to their system, both companies left thousands of their mutual customers without an integrated payroll/benefits management system.

While they pointed fingers at each other, their customers lost. Their customers didn't have anyone to call, so they filed a petition on instead.

It’s no better than the phone and cable companies blaming each other for service disruptions; the customer is the one who loses in the end.

Building a system that depends on integrations might allow for faster growth, but there’s no better way to create value for customers than to build a vertically-integrated platform. My own experiences at Amazon and Etsy have made it clear that a robust, end-to-end solution gives a customer a better experience and a single point of contact when things go wrong.

Why I Built Justworks

That’s why I built Justworks from the ground up, with our own payroll and benefits system. We spent the first year and half building a solid, secure infrastructure and we continue to improve on it every day. We treat customers’ personal information with the utmost respect, protecting their information the same way that we protect our own.

As a result, we’re able to offer an experience to our customers that I’m deeply proud of. Our customers trust us to take care of them, and to help take care of their teams. And that’s exactly what we do.

If you want to learn more about what we do and how we work with customers, you can learn more here.


Why PEOs are Advantageous for Small Businesses

If your company is between two and 200 employees, you’ll likely benefit from a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). Learn more about the PEO model.

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This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.
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Written By
Blog Author - Isaac Oates
Isaac Oates
Jun 11, 20151 minute

In addition to leading our Board, as Executive Chair, Isaac focuses on innovation at Justworks Labs, social impact initiatives via, and developing Justworks’ next generation of leaders through its Leaders’ Fellowship program.

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