Managing a Team

Employee Turnover: 6 Reasons Why Good Employees Leave

One in two employees cited their boss as their reason for quitting. Find out why good employees leave and how to prevent employee turnover.

Blog Author - Christina Taler
Christina Taler
Jan 27, 20162 minutes
Blog Author - Christina Taler
Christina Taler
5 postsAuthor's posts
Empty chair

Ebbs and flows in an organization’s staff are not uncommon, but high employee turnover is a sure sign of a much more disruptive undercurrent. According to a Gallup study published earlier this year, one in two employees surveyed cited their boss as the reason for leaving a job.

As a manager, steer clear of these six issues that cause employees to leave.

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1. No Trust in Staff

A boss who constantly pops into someone’s office unannounced or demands continuous status updates doesn't convey trust in their team. Even though it's hard to relinquish control, micromanaging often siphons off the ability for both parties to be truly productive. In order to build trust with your staff, practice coaching but not commanding. A great way to start this is by asking more questions to gauge what your employees need to do their jobs better. 

2. Getting Overworked

As it turns out, your most valuable employee may also be the first to leave. According to the Harvard Business Review, employees who go the extra mile can drive more team performance than all their teammates combined — but they'll also be the first to pull the plug. Being overworked increases stroke risk and has many other harmful effects. One way to help with this? Make sure work hours are flexible. Many employers require a 9:00 am arrival, yet few approve a 5:00 pm exit. If you trust your employees to complete their work, you'll have a lower employee turnover.

3. Fear Mongering

Fear should never be your biggest motivator. If you’re spending more time criticizing your employee’s work than commenting on what they’re doing well — especially if they’re one of your top performers — don’t be surprised when employee turnover runs high. Focus on staff strengths, not weaknesses. Check out these tips on how to make peer-to-peer criticism less awkward.

4. Disorganization & Lack of Direction

Have you ever had an assignment that inevitably went through several rounds of, “could you just change this one little thing?” The experience that many employees go through of never-ending tweaking is frustrating, particularly when the boss ends up editing their original edits from round one. Try your best to set clear expectations of what a project will entail, then stick with the timeline and revision as systematically as possible. The predictability will give your employees peace of mind, and probably help you finish that project a little quicker.

5. Lack of Concern for Employees

All of us face challenges and hope that our teammates will be supportive and sympathetic at those times. Taking a little time each day to show your concern and investment in employees pays off. You can do this not only through small gestures like smiling and making conversation, but also with the bigger things — like giving time off for holidays or health problems.

6. Rewarding the Wrong People

Especially in rapid-growth industries, sometimes promoting the most qualified individuals slips through the cracks. This can be a huge de-motivator and can lead to a mass employee turnover for your company. Recognize both strong and poor performance, and coach or reward accordingly.

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This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.
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Written By
Blog Author - Christina Taler
Christina Taler
Jan 27, 20162 minutes

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