
Janelle Watson

Content Marketing at Justworks

Janelle Watson provides content marketing for the international team at Justworks. With a background in higher education and journalism, Janelle helps tell stories that make international expansion and EOR accessible.

Janelle Watson's headshot

Recent Posts

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GDPR in Europe: 11 Steps for International Businesses to Stay Compliant

Hiring in Europe offers exciting opportunities for international businesses, but it also comes with the responsibility of adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

August 5, 2024 4 minutes
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What are Fringe Benefits in Canada?

If you’re looking to expand or manage a team in Canada, you’ve likely already researched mandatory benefits. But do you know what common fringe benefits are expected?

August 2, 2024 4 minutes
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Breaking Borders: A Small Business Owners Guide to Global Networking

Unlock the power of international connections with our guide to global networking.

July 30, 2024 3 minutes
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Navigating the Global Gig Economy for US-Based Businesses

Learn how the global gig economy can accelerate and ease growth for US businesses.

July 10, 2024 4 minutes
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Understanding Maternity and Paternity Leave in Mexico

Foster a supportive environment for Mexican employees transitioning into parenthood.

July 5, 2024 3 minutes
How Will an HRIS Change the Way Your Company’s HR Functions?

How a Global HRIS Empowers Your Team

Discover why investing in a top-notch global HRIS is a game-changer for employers managing a global team.

July 1, 2024 4 minutes

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